2017 Neurovascular Health Conference
Canadian Neurovascular Health Society
Exploring the latest research on imaging, treatment and rehabilitation, including
LLLT (Photobiomodulation), the Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator (PoNS) device, and therapeutic use of cannabinoids for neurovascular symptoms and neurological conditions
Conference Details
Join us September 23 and 24 (Saturday and Sunday) to hear top researchers and medical practitioners present the latest research on neurovascular health. Our mission is to bring researchers, practitioners, and policy makers together with patients to foster collaboration and transparency in health research. Neurovascular health affects every one of us, but is of particular importance for those dealing with the challenges of neurovascular symptoms associated with neurological conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Parkinson's Disease, Migraine, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Attendees will be able to experience the NovoThor LLLT (photobiomodulation) full body light pod therapy. We anticipate a high demand for this opportunity, so registered attendees will be offered a light therapy session based in the order they register for this conference. Remaining spots will be available on a first-come; first-served basis, Friday through Sunday.
Location and Event Information
Pacific Gateway Hotel, Richmond BC
Just 5 minutes from Vancouver International Airport!
Pacific Gateway Hotel, Richmond BC
The Pacific Gateway Hotel (formerly the Delta Vancouver Airport) hosted our 2015 conference and will be our conference hub for 2017 as well. Located on the Fraser River, this hotel is built for conferences, with waterfront ballrooms and restaurants and plenty of parking. Our Saturday evening Patient and Friends gathering will be held at the spectacular Pier 73 restaurant suspended over the river immediately adjacent to the hotel. Our conference hotel will provide spectacular West Coast facilities and superb customer service for our conference attendees. The Sunday buffet luncheon served to attendees will be compliant with Dr. Terry Wahls' Paleo Plus eating program, optimized for neurovascular health.
You are invited to reserve for free conference parking for the Canadian Neurovascular Health Society at the VANCOUVER - Pacific Gateway Hotel. To reserve parking, please click on this LINK and enter your vehicle license plate. Parking for this event is valid from 09/20/2017 07:00 am to 09/27/2017 11:59 pm.
Website: http://www.pacificgatewayhotel.com/
James Carroll, CEO of Thor Photomedicine Ltd. (UK), will speak about use and application of LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy) / Photobiomodulation and its effect on oxidative stress, including pain relief, inflammation and tissue regeneration. A recognized authority on LLLT mechanisms of action, dose, dose rate effects and the measurement and reporting of parameters, he will demonstrate his Photobiomodulation equipment, including the NovoThor whole-body light pod to both practitioners and patients.
Dr. E. Mark Haacke will present his latest research on using MRI in areas such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, traumatic brain injury and aging. His takes MR research beyond diagnosis to how it can inform best practice in patient treatment. He leads a major research program related to vascular aspects of MS and neurovascular disease. Dr. Haacke is a globally recognized researcher who invented MR angiography and Susceptibility Weighted Imaging and has pioneered the development and application of new imaging methods.
Mitchell Tyler, a biomedical and mechanical engineer at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Tactile Communication and Neurorehabilitation Laboratory (TCNL), will present his latest research on the Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator (PoNS™) device -- a novel way to apply the concept of neuroplasticity to rehabilitation. With over 20 years of experience in research and development of visual and tactile displays for human-machine interfaces, Mitch is a co-developer of the PoNS and his research interests include cutaneous and tongue-based electrotactile displays, human-machine interaction, and clinical applications of noninvasive neuromodulation for rehabilitation.
Dr. Bill Code will present the latest reseach n the therapeutic use of cannabis to manage multiple sclerosis, other neurological disorders, and chronic pain. With the changing landscape of cannabis in Canada, both practitioners and patients need to stay well informed about best practice for these conditikons. Dr. Code will present from his perspective as a functional medical physician and an anesthesiologist, and from his years of general and specialist practice and stroke and brain research. He is passionate about neurovascular research and treatment possibilities for improved patient quality of life.
Dr. David Willams believes the world of dentistry is not a peripheral part of brain and general health. The unintentional walls that exist between the professions (because we are trained to see clearly only in our area of expertise) are thinning and must be breached or circumvented if we are to solve the mysteries of neurological illness. Where the maddening description "with no known cause" is applied to a disease condition, we need to always throw in "yet" at the end of that phrase. Dr. Williams will present on his published research on neurodegenerative disorders and bite-induced cranial trauma. Through extensive dissections of cadavers he discovered the consistent presence of abnormally mobile squamousal sutures in MS and Alzheimer’s skulls. The physical relationship between the functioning components of the head (skull bones and bite) and the brain beneath them is significant. Nailing down the details now will set the stage for the development of relevant diagnostic devices, treatment protocols and bone stabilization hardware. This seminal paradigm shift will open a new discipline in health care for the human brain.
Dr. Pietro Maria Bavera is a noted vascular surgeon and the author or co-author of numerous scientific publications of Vascular Surgery / Angiology (many of which are in English on PubMed and Scopus ) and chapters of college textbooks. His teaching careers spans almosty 20 years and includes numerous medical school courses in Neurophysiopathology for doctors, nurses, pharmacists, occupational therapists, and physiotherapists. Dr. Bavera served as a Board Member of the Italian College of Phlebology from 2012-2014 and is currently with the University of Milan. He sees an average of 2800-3000 patients with vascular disease annually through the Don Carlo Gnocchi Foundation in Milan.
We are delghted to be joined once more by Dr. Sal Sclafani, a vascular surgeon who brings with him a lifetime of experience helping patients optimize blood flow. Graduating from SUNY Upstate and completing a residency at SUNY Downstate, Dr. Sclafani is a diplomate of the American College of Radiology with added qualification in interventional radiology. He has been a practicing interventional radiologist for the past 40 years, during which time he spent a decade as professor and chairman of radiology and professor of surgery and emergency medicine at the Downstate Medical School.
Dr. Sclafani is a past President of the American Society of Emergency Radiology, a fellow of SIR, and the first international member of the Chinese Society of Interventional Radiology. He is also a founding member of the International Society for Neurovascular Disease and is active in developing ways to determine best practice in this emerging field of science and medicine. He has authored more than 160 scientific papers, authored or co-authored 20 textbooks, and presented more than 250 invited national and international lectures. He was the first Section Editor of Radiology for the Journal of Trauma, and served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Interventional Radiology, and Emergency Radiology. He specializes in using Intravascular Ultrasound to guide his work inside blood vessels.
Dr. Sclafani will focus on the nature, assessment, and treatment of renal vein obstructions in his presentation.
Dr. Ashton Embry and son Matt Embry are well known for speaking out on the importance of diet and lifestyle to manage multiple sclerosis. Dr. Embry developed a treatment plan called the Best Bet diet when Matt was diagnosed based on available science. Both Ashton and Matt continue to seek out current research to help patients with multiple sclerosis achieve optimal health. Ashton founded the grass roots, volunteer based Direct-MS charity in 1998 to fund scientific research and educate patients. Matt is a film director and writer, and founder of MS Hope, which produced the soon-to-be released 2017 documentary Living Proof, a dynamic, fast-paced feature-length documentary that examines the crippling politics of multiple sclerosis. Living Proof will be featured at both the Toronto and Calgary film festivals in 2017.
Dr Bernhard H J Juurlink received his Ph.D. in developmental biology from McMaster University in 1975. He did post-doctoral studies in neuroscience and joined the Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology in the College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. He taught there for 30 years and also held administrative positions. From 2008 to 2011 he was a founding faculty member of the College of Medicine at the newly-established Alfaisal University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Dr. Juurlinks major research program revolved around examining how cells and tissues respond to disturbances in their environments and became very interested in oxidative stress and inflammation. For many years his research focussed on neurological disorders such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord & brain injury, overcoming drug resistance in cancer cells, imaging brain cancer and treating brain tumours in animal models using synchrotron-derived x-rays. A major thrust of his research over the past 15 years has been delineating how dietary phase 2 protein inducing phytochemicals (Nrf2 activators) can decrease oxidative stress and inflammation in a variety of chronic disease models. Dr. Juurlink will serve as conference moderator and present on the research basis to photobiomodulation as a treatment therapy.
If you have trouble using Eventbrite, send Landon Schmidt an email to register or for more information. We do not want a financial impediment to hamper anyone from attending our events. If you are unable to afford the full conference fee, please contact Landon Schmidt and your request for a subsidy will be handled confidentially. We thank our many attendees who "top up" their conference payment to pay it forward and allow others to attend.
Have a question or concern? Fill out the form below and one of our Board members will be in contact with you as soon as possible!