2019 Neurovascular Health Conference
Canadian Neurovascular Health Society
OCTOBER 19, 2019
Learn the latest research on neuroinflammatory and infectious drivers of diseases such as MS and other neurological conditions. Discover evidence-based research behind dietary and lifestyle approaches to managing neurological diseases and symptoms.
Conference Details
Our mission is to bring researchers, practitioners, and policy makers together with patients to foster collaboration and transparency in health research. Neurovascular health affects every one of us, but is of particular importance for those dealing with the challenges of neurovascular symptoms associated with neurological conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Parkinson's Disease, Migraine, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Date: October 19, 2019
Location: SHOAL Centre, Sidney BC, Canada
For full details about speakers, program, recommended hotels and conference extra-curricular activities, click here:

We are extremely grateful to all our donors, speakers, and our many volunteers. Our programs simply could not happen without their support. If you would like to volunteer before or during our 2019 conference, please contact Sandra Birrell. We need volunteers to help hang posters ahead of time and help with registration on the day of the event. Click HERE for links to conference posters you can download. THANK YOU!
To support the year-round volunteer efforts of our Canadian Neurovascular Health Society, please share this conference information. our Facebook and Twitter pages, and our future activities widely. Consider making a donation. Donations of $20 and more are eligible for a Canadian tax receipt.

Have a question or concern? Fill out the form below and one of our Board members will be in contact with you as soon as possible!